A toolset for viewing and automatically creating dependency graphs within the Lean4 infoview.
Basic usage
First, add this repository as a dependency in your lakefile, as usual.
Then make a file in the project with the following code,
and click around the various places where it says node
or subnode
Then put your cursor on one of the various commands at the bottom to see
the automatically generated graphs.
import NodeGraph
def doc : String :=
s!"Some additional text {"test"}" ++ " something"
/-- This is an element of $\mathbb{N}$. -/
@[node doc in defs]
def a : Nat :=
subnode "Just zero!" in 0 +
subnode "Just one!" in 1
@[node in defs]
axiom f : Nat
@[node in defs]
noncomputable def b : Nat × wsorry 5 := (a + wsorry 10 + f, wsorry 20)
@[node in lemmas]
theorem foo : b = (0, wsorry 73) := sorry
#decl_graph from b
#decl_graph in defs to b
The above is also the content of Test.lean
in this repository.
Nodes should be tagged with the @[node]
To provide an additional markdown explanation for a node, you can do one of the following:
@[node "This is foo"]
def foo : Nat := 0
def a : String := "foo"
def fooDoc := s!"This is {a}"
@[node fooDoc]
def foo : Nat := 0
To place a node into a certain group, use the in group1 group2 ...
syntax as follows:
@[node "This is foo" in defs zeros]
def foo : Nat := 0
The above will include the node into the groups defs
and zeros
Subnodes correspond to terms or tactics that can be tagged as such with the subnode string in term
or subnode string in tactic
syntax (the string is optional in both cases):
@[node "This is foo" in defs ones]
def foo : Nat := subnode in 0 + subnode "one" in 1
@[node "This is bar"]
def bar : True := by
subnode "Should be easy?"
subnode "Okay, it was easy" in trivial
The #decl_graph
command will show the full declaration graph which includes all declarations tagged with node
To see the component of the graph terminating in foo
, use #decl_graph to foo
To see the component of the graph originating from foo
, use #decl_graph from foo
To see just the graph involving nodes in a certain group, use #decl_graph in group
To restrict the graph associated to a group further, it's possible to also write #decl_graph in group from foo
and #decl_graph in group from foo
The #group_graph
command will display the graph of the various groups and the dependencies between them.
Clicking on a node in the group graph will show the graph associated to that group.
Weighted Sorries
It is now possible to use wsorry 37
to add a "weighted sorry" (with weight 37 in this case).
The total weight of a given declaration is displayed in the information associated to any given node, and with (w = 37)
in the declaration graph itself.